Question Answer
What happens to a question for which a team can not identify all the smells? That question becomes OPEN for any other team to pick
What happens to a question for which a team can identify the smells but not justify? That question becomes OPEN for any other team to justify
How does a team pick an OPEN question? A team or any of its members needs to ping Picked on Zoom chat only after I confirm a question as OPEN
What if more than one team pings Picked on Zoom? The first 2 teams to ping “Picked” get the OPEN question
What are the rules for OPEN question? You get 1 minute to identify and justify remaining smells, and you get double of all the points: 2 points for each smell, 2 for each valid justification
What if no team signs up for an OPEN question? Question gets discussed within the group and we move on to the next team with next question
What happens if more than one team get the lowest score after a round ends? Tie-breaker kicks in
How does a tie-breaker work? A set of questions have been prepared and each question has 2 ideas. A question will be floated around and one of the teams defends one idea while the other team stands against that idea. A debate kicks in and the winner gets safe.
What is special about Round4, the last round? It is the MEGA round. There is ONLY one question. Teams get one point for each identified smell and two points for each valid justification